August -- I arrive in Yaoundé with 8 other trainees. We've been selected for a French immersion program in Ebolowa:
September -- 45 more trainees arrive in Yaoundé. Here we are attending a Cameroonian talk show:
October -- probably one of the perks of being an Agroforestry/Environmental trainee is the fact that we get to go on field trips. Here's some of us during our visit to the West region of Cameroon:
November -- I go to the South region to check out where they're sending me:
December -- after nearly 4 months (3 months for most), we swear in as volunteers:
January -- I arrive at my post, not sure what to do. I decide to check out a fish pond in a nearby village:
February -- I lose a ton of weight. Part of it has to do with having to prepare all the food myself. Its either preparing it myself or eating bush meat, which I try, but decide later that its not for me. Here is a photo of my friend, Fabrice, who is giving me some cooking tips:
March -- I visit a local beekeeper:
I also went to Bamendar for IST and Kribi for vacation, but I already posted those photos elsewhere.
April -- I attend a water seminar in Bamenda:
May -- My boss pays me a visit. Since I was heading to Ebolowa afterwards and I didn't want to be in an overloaded bush taxi, I decide to hitch a ride with them to Ebolowa:
June -- Garbage is a problem, well, pretty much anywhere, so I tried to follow the three R's. Here, I experimented with various polypots -- one made from plantain stems courtesy of the Peace Corps Cameroon agro tool kit, one from plastic, and one from a coffee bag:
Of course, the neighborhood kids saw these polypots and pretty much destroyed the plants I was trying to grow. It was a sad day when that happened.
July -- I attempt an agroforestry demo plot:
Its not an easy task in the south though where slash-and-burn rules.
Well, that's already one year of photos, but here's a bonus pic from August 2012:
This guy has some grubs (ie bugs, worms) in this bottle.Yup, the locals eat them.
Anywho, on to year 2! On y va! Me nge ke!